
Film Location

The Leatherhead Theatre is available for filming

Opened in 1969, the Thorndike Theatre as it was known at the time, was the vision of experienced theatre director Hazel Vincent Wallace and an architect fasincated by theatre, Roderick Ham. Together they designed a 500 seat theatre to fit within the walls of the 1930s cinema that the theatre replaced.

A discrete entrance-way leads away from the shop lined street to an impressive sweeping foyer topped by natural light from the ceiling light-boxes two floors above. Zig-zagging stairways and balconies of shuttered concrete echo the well known architecture of London’s National Theatre. 

The stage, with full flying system, sound and lighting, sits behind a traditional proscenium arch. The curved stage apron offers the option of a orchestra pit and it is from here the distinctive orange seating of the raked auditorium fans out creating an intimate theatre space.

The theatre and many of the additional spaces tucked around the building, including meeting rooms, a black box studio theatre, mezzanine bar area and several small office spaces are available to hire by the hour

Interested? Get in touch will be happy to tell you more or give you a tour – 01372 365141  or Email bookings@the-theatre.org

Images Provide by  ©Chloe Forester-Walker

Call us on 01372 365141